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Corporation list (XML)

Intended audience

3rd party tool developers.

What it is

If you are using the /eve/AllianceList.xml.aspx interface of the API, you will have noticed the list of corporations in an alliance. The only way to get the corporation names is by polling the /corp/CorporationSheet.xml.aspx interface for every corporation. That can take some time; there are more then 4200 corporations in all alliances (december 2007).

The corporation list is an XML file, which is written every hour with updated information, that lists every corporation within an alliance.
Available information:
  • corporationName
  • ticker
  • Things to remember

  • Do not fetch this file on every page request, but only update after new corporations appear in the AllianceList
  • This is a static file. A cron job rewrites the file after the AllianceList has been updated on this server.
  • It is possible that a corporationID appears in the AllianceList which is not in this coporation list. The most likely cause is caching; your data might be newer then mine. This should resolve by itself within the hour.
  • Corporation X's name changed, but the XML still shows the old name. This is possible due to caching issues. This should resolve itself somewhere between 1 and 6 days (depending on coporation size). You can also send me a message and I will manually purge that cache item.
  • More attributes might be added to corporation-element within the XML file. Please remeber that when writing your XML reader
  • Contact

    Questions or comments? is the address to write to.


    The XML file:

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